Trinity Cycling
Good evening everyone I hope this message finds you well? Welcome to day 2 of my in my back yard.
First of all a very happy Easter to you all I hope you’ve had a wonderful day, I know it’s been a very different Easter to what we all are used to but one we are sure to remember.
Today I want to focus on the beauty of Jersey, for an island that is 9 by 5 square miles it definitely has a lot of beauty.
I’ve just been walking in the lanes of Trinity near my house and it seems during this lockdown life seems to have gone back 30 years maybe longer in certain parts of the island families walking. People on bicycles it’s reminiscent of how Jersey was a couple of decades ago.
if anything good comes out of this virus it has brought people together, families and people looking after each other. Here are a couple of photographs from this afternoon’s walk, the beautiful orchard next to where I live. a family cycling in the lanes so nice to see, and of course beautiful horses basking in the fields and the blossom in the orchard just a few yards from my house.
Please feel free to share this blog with as many people as you would like, I hope the photographs give many people a view of our beautiful island.
Until tomorrow