My mother & Grandpa

Good evening everyone,
I hope you’ve had a great weekend, even though we’re not doing much the weather has been quite palatable. many people have asked how long have you been taking photographs and where my interest came from, well there is a story to be told here.
My late mother Andrea was a very good artist she had amazing drawing talents, mum was not really a photographer, however, her father my late grandfather John Nicolle had many talents.
He was a master cabinet maker and french polisher and during the war he was sent to Alderney to french polish furniture for the German hierarchy, grandpa was also a very keen photographer and from a young age well before I was born, before we had computers the internet or anything like that my grandpa was doing miracles in the darkroom with a camera.
First of all, he used to build his own cameras out of wood & attach some bellows to them. and take pictures of my mother in the garden. not only would he manipulate photographs in the darkroom so two of him would be in one photograph I defy you to see the join something that people like me find hard to do in current modern applications like Photoshop.
So yes I get my interest and talent from my grandfather and my mother and have also passed this talent on to my son who in my opinion is one of the island’s leading videographers he has an amazing eye.
I have attached a couple of photographs of my grandpa and his work I hope you enjoy them.
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